A generous invitation from Maine-Wabanaki REACH. Join today, April 22, between noon and 1:00 pm.


A generous invitation from Maine-Wabanaki REACH.

HAND DRUMS FOR HEALING. Today, everywhere. Distanced but together. From the HAND DRUMS FOR HEALING Facebook page:

'On Earth Day, all People everywhere are invited to join Hand Drums for Healing, a one-hour collective drumming event to raise vibrations of healing for ourselves, our communities, and the planet.

Drums are a prominent part of many Indigenous healing ceremonies. The beat is like that of a heartbeat and drumming is often referred to as the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Drumming aligns with the natural laws of resonance and helps bring about restoration and healing.

Modern science is catching up to indigenous knowledge and now research shows the therapeutic effects of drumming in physical and emotional healing, and in boosting the immune system.

"Drumming gives us an experience where we can be free to connect with ourselves and others, in order to release, restore and heal." [The Benefits of Drumming, project-resiliency.org]

You don't need to drum the whole hour - join when you can, anytime between noon and 1:00 pm on April 22, 2020, and know that you are not alone - that together we are healing. Hold the vision of what a healthy planet, community, and body looks like and feel good in knowing that you have done your part.

The more people, the greater the vibrational energy.
Please feel free to share this collective healing event far and wide.'

This photo is from September 2019 at a Maine-Wabanki REACH event. Maria Girouard led a group dance with her hand drum. For me who has no such tradition to call upon, it was a deeply felt and meaningful experience. Thank you Maine-Wabanaki REACH for your generosity.