They sit waiting. Or stand. Mostly in their own worlds. Some chat with one another though...


Dear Anonymous,
They sit waiting. Or stand. Mostly in their own worlds. Some chat with one another though. They smoke. Share a light.
Coffee cards. Coffee cake. Socks. A shirt here. A sweatshirt there. Some eczema cream for his hands. A belt. Any pants? No pants. Any backpacks? No backpacks.
'Any books?' the Reader asks.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I may have books.
I show the photograph of that young blue eyed man to the young blue eyed man. He smiles. Then he shows me the color variations in his eyes. A tad of yellow here he says. A tad amber down here. The man knows his eyes.
Many regulars are not here. It's the first few days of the month. Checks come in. Jingle enough for a moment. Rooms to rent for a night or two. Addictions to feed. Pains to soothe. Things to do.
May they know some peace and may I never assume what that may look like.

There were flowers laying amidst the signs. Bouquets of roses, tulips, lilacs. They were limp. Some were trampled...


There were flowers laying amidst the signs. Bouquets of roses, tulips, lilacs. They were limp. Some were trampled. I think of those that thought to bring flowers. And of those that no longer can. Of the candles I see lined up here and there. Of names written out, George Floyd the most prevalent amongst them. But there are many names I can't even remember or recall, all dead. They are not on the tip of my tongue and have been lost down a congested sewerage like newsfeed. And how miserable is this? Thank you to those that wrote those names. Who removed silence.

From the You Cannot Make This Sh** Up Category.


From the You Cannot Make This Sh** Up Category.

This morning all I can think is 'I'd love to see that balletic fox I encountered a couple of days ago again'. I know the faultiness of returning this way. Things never repeat themselves but still that crone-voiced muse insists, Go. I park my car and walk, camera ready this time. The field is quiet but for the flitting of all the songbirds I am displacing. The sun rises above the harbor but beneath the bridge from this vantage.
No fox, of course.
I return to my car but at the foot of the fox path left from the other day I find this.
I kid you not.
A dog toy in the shape of
Complete with eviscerated squeaker.

The scene transforms. You would see a crazy woman bent over at first light by the river...examining her fox. Literally laughing out loud. Literally. She looks around to see if god is somehow hidden behind a bush just waiting for the moment.

Oh, Lord, you do have such a great sense of humor.
I'll be more specific next time.