Resmaa Menakem on the embodied experience of race. So grateful to encounter his words...


Resmaa Menakem on the embodied experience of race. So grateful to encounter his words. He had me when he asks about diversity. What are we building diversity from. And that question was worth agonizing over and an answer worth owning.

Monument Square. Portland, Maine.

A beautiful day in the neighborhood. If I had had a baby pool...


Dear Anonymous,
A beautiful day in the neighborhood. If I had had a baby pool we may have all invited one another to roll up our pants and stick our feet in. And I would have loved that.
Another man living rough out here mentions that the BLM protest on Commercial Street last night was the most moving thing he had ever witnessed. Silent, he said.
'It was amazing....' as approximately 2000 people layed themselves down on this street we stand on.
'Amazing...' he says, gently shaking his head and walking his bicycle away.