I stopped on the exit ramp. Emergency lights on. I never once thought about the dangers...


I stopped on the exit ramp. Emergency lights on. I never once thought about the dangers if my skin were dark. Or if I were a young man in a hoodie doing the same damn thing. That that would totally change the equation. I jump out and photograph and jump back into my white car. Into my white privilege.

Out here where I have never been before, I see footprints headed back to the shore already covered by a film of incoming tide.


The tide was surprisingly low. I walked out where I have never walked before. Out beyond the tidal pools and ledges that become tiny islands at high tide, where sea birds drop their shells to crack them open. I walk out and it is quiet. And feels right. And then, out here where I have never been before, I see footprints headed back to the shore already covered by a film of incoming tide.
I look around seeing no one.