This came up In Memories this morning. Dear Bruce Bannon...


This came up In Memories this morning. Dear Bruce Bannon, featured in the photo is no longer with us having died this year. Until we meet again, Bruce.

Posted January 18, 2019 (one year ago):

At MaineWorks you will find a circle that is a repository of peoples' deepest pains, failings and brokenness. Even the fire pit is wobbly and missing a leg. I look at it with great affection because despite this it is working just fine and we huddle around it. if to say 'Hey fire pit, you are rocking it today.'
It is also a circle where you will be seen more deeply. Beyond the transgressions, criminal offense, addiction, behavior born of addiction, pain and trauma. Someone will see that if you show up with your greatest pain the brokenness can also be a breaking open...and the light that begins to shine out of our brokenness will blind us with beauty. Yup. Just another morning at MaineWorks.