A new warm coat. A cup of hot coffee. Even the stout hearted are shivering this morning.

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Dear Anonymous,
A new warm coat. A cup of hot coffee. Even the stout hearted are shivering this morning.
The land of the Sinner and the Saint. The Family of Man. A dysfunctional family filled with liars, thieves and enlightened saints. Broken and wounded and patched together with love and the deepest intention to see to the essence.
A man on the other side of me hands me a little cloisine pendant from his cold and cracked fingers, something he has found and saved for me. I look at it. My heart skips just a half beat.
I ask 'Are you familiar with this imagery?'
Seems he is not.
It is of a lotus blossom. And we chat about the beautiful lotus blossom only able to bloom when it is deeply rooted in the mud, and muck, and slime.
'Oh...from the DARKNESS.' another man says.
Yes. Yes.


Imagine a world ....

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Imagine a world ....your brother dead. Your mom basically homeless and in need of long term care. And it's just you now. And you're on the street. Struggling with the day to day. This may be his story,but not just his story. It is not uncommon...crumbling structure. And it is no less tragic. Even if it has reasons we will shore our sandbags against; protecting our safe turf with justifications or faults.


Showing us the healed tattoo that covers an old undesired tattoo...

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Dear Anonymous,
Showing us the healed tattoo that covers an old undesired tattoo gotten decades ago as protection in a violent and compromised environment. I am grateful for this man's generosity of spirit. For his ability to help me see what I would not be able to see otherwise. I am grateful he trusts me enough to share . I am grateful for his protection out here.