'Those months I didn't help out on the streets handin' out stuff were the worst.'

20191110 Those months I didn't help out.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
'Those months I didn't help out on the streets handin' out stuff were the worst. Giving is what keeps my sobriety.'
Another man chimes in and agrees.
'We're all lookin' for a bit of redemption.'
They each walk away with a plan to give this to so and so, and that to so and so. What's most helpful, I ask.
Socks. Gloves.Thermal underwear.
Someone dropped off three sleeping bags yesterday. They are gone by 6 AM this morning.
One young man I have never seen is floored and genuinely relieved with a bag and a blanket and hand warmers. He looks lost and bewildered. And like he could be our son.