Moose Elkins continues to make our world a better place to live in. Thank you, Moose.


Moose Elkins continues to make our world a better place to live in.
Thank you, Moose.

Memory from April 6th 2018

Making His Way. Reaching out for our dreams sounds so friggin' romantic, as if our pursuit for what we want is animated by little cherubs dropping rose petals on a path accompanied by unicorns and dancing kittens. But it is not. It is often sluggishly difficult day by day work marked by desperation that helps build the fraction of momentum, the tiniest traction to avoid being pulled back into the the hole we are so familiar with. Just enough forward motion to show up. Again. And again. I applaud this circle of employees who have made it through the winter. Fought the demons that line that path of an unformed dream for something better. Cheers to the Pioneers of Recovery, searching for the next toehold.

Deeply missing the Pioneers of Recovery.


Deeply missing the Pioneers of Recovery. These are tough times and we may not have realized all those previous tough times were actually some of the good times. You are all in my heart though that is not what will pay your rent, or child support, or fines and fees, or your food bill.

Memory from March 27 2018: I have never been more convinced than now that we each see what we see and that that view is utterly unique. How we see ourselves matters. How we perceive our situation; How we chose to meet challenges; How we frame our experiences...all the work of recovery. A powerful lesson for us all.