Fishermen supply restaurants. So, we know how well that's going these days.


Fishermen supply restaurants. So, we know how well that's going these days. We are able to purchase direct from fishermen though under certain conditions. (see Maine Coast Fishermen's Association) We live in a village. Isolated as we are at the moment. Maybe we can contribute to the local Heroes of the Waterfront at this time...directly. In a socially distant way.

Everyone distant. Everyone thick as thieves. Love arrows arcing through the air covered in masks and gloves.


It was dark this morning. Sodden with half a foot of spring snow. Poor man's fertilizer. I think of Maple snow. And I think of the men at the ferry terminal. Displaced and without home are congregating as they do every morning. This morning? They actually are maintaining to 6' distances. This makes me so happy. I leave a bag of socks and coffee cards they distribute amongst themselves.
A tip of the hat, some really sweet responses through the air.
Everyone distant. Everyone thick as thieves. Love arrows arcing through the air covered in masks and gloves.