It can be difficult.

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Dear Anonymous,
It can be difficult. I find out things about folks that are tough to discover. Makes my gut wrench. Impossible to justify with the warm exchange over a coffee on the sidewalk. Behaviours that I cannot support. And I do not mean any one person in particular or any one behavior. It's many.
The sinner is alive and well, as is the saint.
In them.
In me.
But I know only one thing which is I never really know. Never know the whole story (which does not justify bad behavior). It's just that if I look under the rock of that behavior, I find more rocks, with more under them....more to the story.
So, in this moment I can meet you here. Knowing I do not know and still appreciate the warmth of your hand as it holds my frozen fingers.
Coffee card. Socks. Warm shirt. Restart.