This morning felt, well, almost solid out here.

20191114 this morning felt well almost solid.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
This morning felt, well, almost solid out here.
Mike is settled today. He has gained 10 pounds (very good news) and is off to the methadone clinic (also good news). He carries a bag of socks and clothing to hand out along the way (more good news).

Another friend takes an extra coat for a couple sleeping under the bridge. But he rushes off this morning, too cold to stand in the cold in his sneakers. Happy for the coffee card stashed in his pocket. Happy with warm, clean, dry socks. Life saving on these cold days...and nights.

Mike heads out with two others, on his way to the bus to get to the clinic. They are walking tall this morning. I think 'You guys look terrific.'
Geared up. There was even a bit of feeling, like hope, in the air today.