Away from this drama or that, the mist collects on your leading edge regardless of any notice of this...or that.
It is a solid forty degrees cooler than 2 days ago here on the Coast of Maine...
It is a solid forty degrees cooler than 2 days ago here on the Coast of Maine. The relief is palpable. Plants sip up what they can, reserve what they may and offer a chance to carry on.
And you would hold me.
And you would hold me.
Lady’s Day
Lady's Mantel. Alchemilla. Long history of use as a medicinal herb. The name alchemilla comes from the word alchemy. Apparently alchemists thought the water droplets collected from the leaves could turn some metals into gold. Sometimes called 'dew cup' due to the way it collects water.
Lady’s Day
Lady Mantle lived behind a picket fence.
Lady Mantle lived behind a picket fence.
The value of 10,000 mg of wonder.
The value of 10,000 mg of wonder.
Who wrote the instruction book on assembling drops of dew on Lady Mantle?
Who wrote the instruction book on assembling drops of dew on Lady Mantle?