Someone recently sent this DEAR ANONYMOUS effort a check.

20191120 Someone recently sent this DEAR ANONYMOUS effort a check.jpg

Dear Anonymous,

Someone recently sent this DEAR ANONYMOUS effort a check. It is from an artist who reserves 50% of their sales for ARTISTS IN SERVICE TO HUMANITY (their reference name).
If that was not enough to completely stop me in my tracks,
her words certainly did:

'If we all just did a little more we could turn this ship around.'

That money will go to coffee cards. Thank you Dear Anonymous, thank you.

This giving without expectation of personal reward is sometimes referred to as eudaemonia, and implies the well being, a sense of wellness arising from giving, and the giving that is the natural result of a level of wellness.

Thank you. I know this is the path this gentleman photographed here uses on his journey back to himself. He always describes the well being he experiences, his 'high' from giving to others. How giving helps him hold to his sobriety. Makes it worth it.

Thank you to the generosity of spirit I see here. Including the man who arrives most mornings in his car, head down to get a cup of coffee and never saying hello or responding to the guys. And then he walks over one morning recently and hands me a fine pair of thermal gloves, offering them for 'distribution.' Thank you.