Sharing this with permission from Ricky Martin, currently a MaineWorks employee, who tells quite a story of pioneering into a new life.

20191122 Sharing this with permission from Ricky Martin.jpg

Sharing this with permission from Ricky Martin, currently a MaineWorks employee, who tells quite a story of pioneering into a new life. Thank you Ricky, for the courage to tell your story.

"I've had some really bad luck of the past couple years (allot of I created by my own actions) I've overdosed, been arrested several times (several times), got my heart broken by someone I thought was my best friend, I've lost my license for a while, I lost every job I had (some really good ones too), I've gone to prison, I've lost several very good friends to overdose, I've lost some good friends cause I wasn't being a good friend or visa versa, I been cheated on by the last 2 women I trusted, I had a house fire last night and had nowhere to go, I've been ripped off, I lost my apartments, shit this last time I relapsed and went to prison I lost everything I own.
It surprises me that after after all that I still have any drive. That I could even like people or that I can love myself. I should be living in a big bubble of shame and guilt. I could have tried suicide.
But for some reason I feel like I'm in a great place I feel like honestly I'm not only on the right path but I'm creating a whole new road. I'm like right where I should be. The past few days every I've lost seems to get replaced by stuff. Lost my house to fire less the 24 hours I have a better one. Got my heart broken and lost someone I always thought would be there. Even though its rough I've realized that these people I lost hold me back and stop me from being the man I should be and will be now that they are gone. But I've gained so many new friends in this sobriety and found my self. I don't feel awful about my self anymore. The Kaos in my life is gone. I feel like anything can happen and I'll be fine because I'm not doing or saying things to make it worse.
I've got this new job at Maine Works and my boss Margo is amazing the love and support she has shown me is angelic. Her Staff Jenn, Brent, and Cecil hardly even know me and done things to help me that noone has ever done for me. (Besides my dad). These guys are the caring and sympathetic, sincere, kind, people I have ever met. They practice the art grace on a daily basis. They make me feel like family. Like I'm apart of something big. They make you feel wanted and appreciated. I'll never be able to thank them enough. I have new outlook on life. It's positive and with allot of hard work I'll become who God created me to become.”