One of the 'guys' that is here regularly was a bit upset...

20191124 One of the guys that is here regularly.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
One of the 'guys' that is here regularly was a bit upset and left to 'adjust his attitude'. He was upset that so-and-so ( an un-named fellow street sleeper) got a coffee card when he's been unable to even stand upright, or fix his pants, or produce a coherent sentence.
He got a coffee card and socks like everyone else.
Mike said, 'This was never about having to behave a certain way. What, he think we gonna do some sort of interview and reject anyone havin' a sh*tty day? For chissakes that's where we've ALL been. This ain't gonna be one more way for someone to feel bad.'
Amen. Sunday Sermon complete.
He is so present today. Continuing his visits to the methadone clinic. Conversations emerge about the street, about the incoming refugees, and about the conundrum.
His wife is here today on a rare visit. She looks so different than when they were on the street and completely stressed. And although it may not be easy now, at least with those basic needs taken care of ...we can smile. And converse. And consider.