My prayer. A most difficult journey.


My prayer.
A most difficult journey. My heart aches for this family.
From Kendra Vinal.

by Kendra Vinal, Organizer
3/14/20 5:30PM
They've brought him back. They got his heartbeat back and are working to raise his blood pressure now. He's still extremely critical and he needs everyone's continuous love and prayers <3
by Kendra Vinal, Organizer
3/14/20 5:20PM
HE JUST FLATLINED! They're actively working on him right now. Please, he needs everyone's prayers right now!!!
by Kendra Vinal, Organizer
3/14/20 4:30PM
My apologies on the delayed update. I needed to go home to tend to affairs, see my children and gather things for my continued stay with Alden. He went into surgery at about 11:30am and he just got out several minutes ago. They did end up amputating his leg up to the pelvis. It's still open and packed but his bleeding should cease. I asked the orthopedic surgeon if it was possible to use any of the flesh from the severed leg to use as a skin graft. He said "that's a great question. I will follow up on that". So, more to come. He did say that the surgery went well. He was at extreme risk for cardiac arrest but he made it! He's one tough mother trucker! Hopefully this will alleviate the stress on his kidneys so that they can begin functioning again. He's currently getting resettled into the ICU and will need another transfusion. He will go into surgery again tomorrow to flush out the leg wound and ensure that there's nothing else dying. Things are looking up. I'll keep everyone updated. Keep the prayers coming! They're working! ❤