Mike is telling us about the fun he had yesterday...


Dear Anonymous,

Mike is telling us about the fun he had yesterday delivering a big box of legos to a family with young children he knows.
And with a big laugh also describes just how much it hurts to step on one.
But he is smiling. Beaming.
'The little girl built a house and her brother built a space station! It was SO much fun.'
Tomorrow he will receive another bag of toys to deliver to kids he encounters.
He describes talking to the parents first so that they don't think 'I'm weird, or nothin'. He explains it's from him and all of you Dear Anonymous. And then it goes well, he says. Lots of appreciation. He always comments on how much he loves to alleviate the stress and boredom for the kids.He lights up when he describes these moments.
'These kids don't deserve to be out here....'
Then he sees someone and calls to a man shuffling down the sidewalk. He introduces him politely. Mike describes him as ' been out here forever'. Mike politely sets him up with a backpack and begins to fill it for him asking with each item 'Want this? Want one of these?'
The man takes a few things but is very clear what will work and what he does not need. It is a very dear moment to see him collecting the items. Stashing them in the back pack. Adjusting the straps for the man. Helping him place it over his back.
Thank you dear Anonymous, for providing an opportunity and resources for such tenderness.