Like a Halloween night, they seem to be flying across the street darting this way and that...

20191214 Like a Halloween night they seem to be flying across the street_fb.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
Like a Halloween night, they seem to be flying across the street darting this way and that, only it wasn't, of course, kids in costumes. They are covered in ponchos over their backpacks and have made garbage bags into outerwear. The wind lifts the edges and they look like wings.
Socks. Dry socks. And hot coffee. And a muffin. Sweatshirts and flannel shirts, some pants chosen. There is no way to stay dry.
Some folks in shelters. Some folks in their own places struggling to get by. Some folks bumped from sober living because of this or that. I know it is damn wet and I am grateful it is relatively warm. And I wonder what I would do wearing drenched to the skin clothing and not welcome to sit most places. Or have enough money to buy a coffee.People walking by wondering why I can't get it together. Or writing me off. Or making me invisible. I wonder.