He's got a bag and in it are some items he'll take up on the streets to hand out.

20191214 Hes got a bag and in it are some items hell take up on the streets to hand out_fb.jpg

Dear Anonymous,

He's got a bag and in it are some items he'll take up on the streets to hand out. Blankets. Socks. A couple back packs. A couple more garbage bags to hand out to someone attempting to keep their gear dry. Sometimes something, anything to make the day just a bit less trying. And sometimes folks are so at odds he walks away for a bit. I get that.
Sometimes it's who doesn't show up that we cast a worried look at one another. The one who likes pink? Uncertain this morning of their whereabouts. Others we hope are hunkered down somewhere a bit drier.Some guys don't get along and don't show up all the time.
Mike talks about his plans of methadone and now suboxone. The tough and risky path of treatment. Things can go well. Things can go poorly. Hoping for the best outcome. Thank you Dear Anonymous.