It is wet and chilly out here and Mike is shivering. Everyone struggling their struggles...


Dear Anonymous,

It is wet and chilly out here and Mike is shivering. Everyone struggling their struggles. And exceptionally polite. And kind. In this moment. Always a 'Love ya'' when they leave. Always a consideration of 'How are YOU today?' These two markers of humanity always move me. It is not a given. And when anyone of us is lost in what ever suffering we are suffering, hearts appear to shut down like collapsing origami balloons. All that space that can hold 'other' collapsed.
A piece of coffeecake here. A coffee card there. Finally able to get this one woman some new underwear. She smiles a smile that lights up the street. Mens boxer briefs hold real street cred out here. Handed out as a sacrament of holiness.
No pun intended. They are received with the embodied gratitude of open palms, of two hands opening a tattered bag and accepting them as they drop to the bottom.

Backpacks via #maggiesmission where swept up. Thank you.

Dry socks on a wet day. Divinity.

One man hands me a gift. A copy of THE PLAGUE by Albert Camus. I promise to bring books the next time to swap.