It is mostly men I encounter here in the morning and there is a tacit unspoken code...

20191121 It is mostly men I encounter here in the morning and there is a tacit unspoken code.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
It is mostly men I encounter here in the morning and there is a tacit unspoken code of what colors and styles are acceptable to them. This does not include pink. No one would use this sturdy wheelie bag that would have been scooped up if it were, let's say, black or blue.
'I ain't got NO trouble with that!', Mike says as he steps forward. 'I'll find just the right person who's gonna think this is PERFECT!'. A huge smile. And I think ' Now, that's big.'

Mike is in good shape this morning, rounding up folks who need items and keeping 'order' .
When I leave he shouts 'Now, she's leavin'. You all say goodbye.!' Part drill sergeant. Part old school polite country boy. and then, 'Love ya, ma.'
Thank you Dear Anonyomous, for these bags of ALL colors. The guys know who you are and for who you go through lengths to get these to them. They know. #maggiesmission