He's pissed. Someone stole his bike from the hospital parking lot.

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He's pissed. Someone stole his bike from the hospital parking lot. His bike is his everything.
And, the Oxygen Mask Principle was chatted about. That's where you have to put on your own oxygen mask on a plane in the case of a drop in air pressure before you help other passengers....so you don't pass out helping someone else first. How does it relate? Well, he's been doing well lately and distributing clothes and items to other people. But he gave away almost ALL of everything he accumulated and was without adequate clothing this morning. Desperate for some warmth.
'Take care of yourself, buddy. You're no good to anyone else if you're in the same mess as them.', Mike says.
We nod our heads.
Mike takes a handful of backpacks to distribute, as do a couple of the other guys. Mike barks a warning about anyone selling the items. It can certainly happen. The streets are desperate. Mike is pretty fierce about it, but we look at one another knowing it is impossible to control completely and who knows what is really important? The resource always winds up in the right hands. A big letting go of how help has to look.
Meanwhile Mike and another young man introduce me to a young woman who is shaking with cold. She is hesitant but they welcome her and we get her geared up in a lovely hooded thermal sweatshirt, a wool blanket and a few other items. She smiles weakly and walks into the coffee shop.
Mike says sometimes she's a she, but sometimes she's a he, and they get pretty beat up on in the shelter as a result so she's on the street. She commented before she left when I asked her if she'd like more clothing, What is your favorite color? She responds, 'Pink.'
Watching the two of them protecting her.