He was trying to help one of our friends out here by letting him stay inside his apartment overnight during the storm.

20191203 He was trying to help one of our friends out here.jpg

Dear Anonymous,

He was trying to help one of our friends out here by letting him stay inside his apartment overnight during the storm.
But the friend dropped his suboxone strips at the street entry along with his benzos. The management found that stuff. He left a needle, used, in the doorjamb. Blood on the bathroom wall. Not good.
No one really knows what to speak out loud about the situation except that it puts housing at risk.
Addiction. Behaviors. Boundaries. Underlying trauma. All arise and sort of steal the oxygen from the sidewalk and it feels like everyone is holding their breath. And I wonder is the thing I think best for this young man actually the best for him? Or, is he living his dream? It is a question. And part of me knows he must, of course, be the driving force of any answer.
The small group assembled out here in the snow and wind think maybe this guy is brilliant. And maybe he is living just as wants.A big, giant conundrum.
Meanwhile, tending to what IS...everyone appreciates the coffee cards, the socks, gloves and beautiful hats.