He is flustered at first. Cold and cranky.

20191203 He is flustered at first Cold and cranky.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
He is flustered at first. Cold and cranky. I unfortunately do not get the image of him sticking his tongue out. Exasperated.
And yet.
In all the chaos, the broken promises, the let downs, the defeats, the patterns of self sabotage, the pain, and all the aggravations out here on the street we watch as she walks toward the coffee shop. She's a tangled mess. Cold. Walking as if there are ice cubes in her pants....likely soaked from sleeping outside last night.
She ducks into the coffee shop.
Immediately Mike tells me who it is and we deliver a bag of beautiful women's clothing and a coffee card. She, who sometimes identifies as a he, loves the clothing.
She's shaking. Needs a coffee. Mike's attention is calm and benevolent. He assures me she faces a lot of challenge on the street.
'If he wants to be she, what does it matter to anybody?', Mike says.