He was never one for melancholy


I am copying a post from Kendra Vinal, who kept us informed of Alden Andrews’ journey last week, who somehow found it in herself to be able to include us in that passage.

'Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, regardless of this disconsolate time. I wish that I could tell you that it was a great day, but it's definitely not a year for me to celebrate. My only wish would be to feel his arms around me again, but since time machines haven't been invented yet (although he would disagree) I instead wish to meet many of you that have reached out in the last few days with your kind words and loving support. His friends are my friends and I'd like to get to know you all more. No other wish. We both have friends but we became somewhat hermitty by choice, spending time with each other. I'll need friends again and welcome new ones.
I've needed to withdraw a little, not nearly chatty or responsive as I normally am, and I know that those that know me best are worried. Don't be. Obviously everyone handles grief in their own way, and for me, I just need to decompress. Kind of just going through the motions taking care of the things that need to be done, all in a stoic stupor. A functional haze, one mental assignment at a time. Is there even a right way?
It hasn't been officially decided yet, but because I want for every last person to be able to attend his service as he would've wanted, it's going to have to wait until this pandemic is over. Neither one of us would want to risk the health or safety of any one of you, even if we were actually allowed to have a mass gathering. More to come on that which I will probably post on here as well as the GoFundMe link. It will also be listed soon in the Portland Press Herald, the Bangor Daily, the Courier Gazette and the Camden Herald. Seriously though, I want everyone to celebrate the $#!+ out of him together because he would want that. Many tears will be shed, that's a given, but I hope that everyone will be able to find solace and even a laugh or two when it's over. He was never one for melancholy and I know he'd want for good times to be shared and had.
Thanks for reading my all-over-the-place banter. I'll talk at you all soon.' -Kendra Vinal