Two men stay behind...

20191210 Two men stay behind and refold the clothing_fb.jpg

Dear Anonymous,

Two men stay behind and refold the clothing that was not chosen in the bins I placed on the sidewalk. They don't like when someone just rifles through it and leaves it a mess.

'At least they can do is refold it.' I hear them mutter under their breath.They lift the bins and place them in my car.

The one who loves pink comes out and we have another pink back pack for her and socks and a coffee card and she whispers, 'Got any cake?'

I do not. It's all been taken.

Mike takes his out of his pocket and hands it to her.

'Here. You take it.'

'Thanks, Mike.' she responds.

Later on I thank Mike and he has sort of a 'geez shucks' response and says 'She's just a little thing. She need it more than me.'

The warmer weather today is a lovely reprieve out here and all the windbreakers too light for two days ago are being swept up. The biggest request today? Socks. Thermal socks and coffee cards. Thank you Dear Anonymous, thank you.