Today arriving with a generous donation of shoes and boots, pants, socks and coffee cards...


Dear Anonymous,

Today arriving with a generous donation of shoes and boots, pants, socks and coffee cards. Thank you Dear Anonymous.

Mike is a shoe guy and was really pleased with this donation. Happy feet help on the street when you're pounding the pavement without regular hygiene.
It's a morning of loss too.
This young man lost his family to his drug use. Worried about his mom.
And this woman. She lost her job, her home, her kids. Drug use.
He lost his backpack. Again. Pants, no belt...and all I can find is some clothesline.
He, well, he lost his patience long ago. Along with a grandson.
Some have lost their minds.

Mike apologizes for the behavior of one person, 'She 's been out here so long she's lost her politeness.'
And so it is.