This is the street....


Dear Anonymous,
This is the street. The arrays of issues are immense. Sometimes I can guess. Sometimes I can know. But all I know for sure is that some of the people in my life who currently shine brilliantly into this world, at one time, also hid. And when they weren't hiding they were spitting mad. And couldn't stand being in their own skin. And were wretched. The ones who shine today with a brilliant soulful light in the world identify with images like this and point and say 'Yes, I remember. That was me.' These young men who are beautiful and clear eyed and contributing members of our community look and say 'Yes, this was me.' And they say it with empathy.
Empathy for the person in the image. Empathy for themselves. And sometimes they shake their own heads wondering how they ever made it out alive. But they did.
So how can I not see their beauty here too?