This is our current MaineWorks fire starter, Erik.


This is our current MaineWorks fire starter, Erik. Every weekday morning he leaves his sober house around 4 AM.
He walks to MaineWorks, maybe a mile and a half or so, and says that time clears his head a bit. Perhaps a walking meditation of sorts.
By 5:15 AM he's got the fire organized and underway. He uses a minimum of material to get the flame established favoring a bit of discipline and care rather than propellants. It starts quietly and he builds this lovely lotus blossom arrangement of firewood around it so as to dry them just a bit further. Then as the fire gains some stability he begins to fold those pieces in toward the center creating a tent for the fire and successfully providing fuel. I often see him preparing for the next days fire. Stashing some dry wood away here or there to secure a good start.
His practice is beautiful. And steady. And a damn amazing metaphor for recovery. We appreciate all the levels of warmth and light he contributes. Thank you, Erik.