These two young, bright people joined me to distribute backpacks for RICKY,INC.


Dear Anonymous,
These two young , bright people joined me to distribute backpacks for RICKY,INC. ( Respecting Individuals with Care and Kindness You Matter) This is a non profit started by Bernadette and Rich Giacoppo who lost their son to a fatal overdose. This is Ricky's brother Nick Giacoppo and his girlfriend Virginia Norton, who has also lost people very close to her to fatal overdose.The packs are filled with resource information and practical items, from food to socks to hats to personal hygiene products.
Their presence initiated some conversation regarding use and addiction and rehab. Tough and real.
And one man listening, uncharacteristically wipes his eyes with a wadded up tissue. And asks for help.
'I don't want to live like this no more.'
Thank you Nick Giacoppo, and Virginia and RICKY,INC. for joining us this morning.
Thank you Dear Anonymous.