The group was mostly beat up this morning. Black eyes. Swollen temples. Blood stains...


Dear Anonymous,
The group was mostly beat up this morning. Black eyes. Swollen temples. Blood stains. Upset stomaches. Skin troubles.
Bottle of water? Yes.
Do you have any coffeecake? Yes.
Socks. Socks. Socks.
A coffee card. A clean t-shirt.
Winter is rough out here. Summer sometimes looks rougher.
One man exchanges a book with me. I ask if he writes. He nods his head. I hand him an empty journal.
Another picks up another book I've brought along.
I never hear the stories of the black eyes and blood stains.
Of the swollen temples and hospital bracelets.
But they smile and wish me well.
See you tomorrow.
Take care.
Love ya'.
And that's that. I have been blessed again.
Thank you Dear Anonymous. Cards, socks and shirts...a few pairs of pants. Some sneakers help.