Thank you Dear Anonymous. A shout out to those that behind the scenes deliver coffee cards anonymously.

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Dear Anonymous,

Thank you Dear Anonymous. A shout out to those that behind the scenes deliver coffee cards anonymously. Literally.; who gather and garner these dozens of backpacks; who order socks and sweatshirts and drop off clothing. Thank you.
A special shout out to those that do so in the memory of your lost ones, your lost children...that did not make it this far. Who knew the streets. Thank you for providing a comfort to those still out there. They know your level of devotion.
And is it all right, and correct, and perfect? Hell, no. These journeys wander the hallways of hell.
But this happens. A much admired employee of MaineWorks walks by. I know he knows this desperate place of the streets. He has gotten traction though. He shines. He shakes everyone's hand and smiles. He brings dignity and consideration. He was here. Now he's got traction and is leading a life. He doesn't need socks. Or a coffee card. Or a muffin. He came over because he knows everyone from the streets...and remembers. O. my heart.