Standing tall. Walking down the street. Upright. It has not always been this way...


Dear Anonymous,

Standing tall. Walking down the street. Upright. It has not always been this way. Sweet smile. Pants ripped out at the knee and shoes split open across the top. But he offers that smile. And it lifts my heart. And he takes a piece of coffeecake from one of the guys that offers. I had none left. Coffee card. Socks. A few words and he's off. And that moment can be my sweet spot on any given day.
All the clothes I have found while out and about, dumped here and there have been washed and now fly out of my car. Insatiable. Never enough. I need. I want. I lost. It was stolen. I need. I need. I need. But there are smiles. There is sweetness. In this moment there is not one of us against the other. In this fraction of a moment. And sometimes in this world that's more than I can imagine. Thank you Dear Anonymous.