One of you Dear Anonymous's dropped off this beautiful scarf...


Dear Anonymous,
One of you Dear Anonymous's dropped off this beautiful scarf, a perfect match for Mike's outfit today.
This morning there were so many who stopped by. There's never enough coffee cards and socks but think we covered at least everybody who came by. Alot of gratitude and
thank yous which I extend to all of you. And a lot of dispirited folks looking shell shocked and dumbstruck. Each with a story and a gaping series of wounds. Kicked out of here or there. Wandering with a garbage bag filled with their belongings. Some who have been beat up on the streets for defending someone and winding up in the hospital for a week. Old timers living on the street. Alcohol. Brain injuries.
'Something not quite right with him.' they say.
One young man has a bag of tobacco and sets up shop rolling cigarettes for a few guys before walking on. Another tells me the coffee card I handed him last week was not activated and I felt awful.
He said 'I appreciated it though.' with a meek smile. Damn.