One of you Dear Anonymous's dropped off big heavy down coats yesterday and they were a hit to say the least.


Dear Anonymous,

One of you Dear Anonymous's dropped off big heavy down coats yesterday and they were a hit to say the least. And new. And there was a dignity to that. Yes, they'd accept anything to stay warm...tattered, torn, stained and broken. But a new coat? Just for them? And warm? They stood up a bit taller. Some of them traded in lighter weight coats I had yesterday for the heavier ones. When they were gone the lighter weight ones moved coupled with fleece lined hoodies.
Hot coffee. Hand warmers. Socks.
Many thank you's that I need to convey to all of you.
And then his eyes. That remind me, that amplify, that this is someone's son. Someones child. I hope that at some point someone held him with ferocious love. Swaddled him warm and just right to comfort him. Beamed at him when he smiled at them.
'Would you like a piece of coffee cake?' I ask.
He says 'You have no idea....'
And reaches into the basket, always meager in relation to the need, and puts his hand around one.