Keen insights. An expansive heart.


This is Kenneth W Beek who I met on the streets years ago. He is one of the reasons I kept going back. Because he had a lot to offer. Keen insights. An expansive heart.
He told me on this day, slurring his words 'I'm not on the streets because I drink. I drink because I'm on the streets.' And, this IS his truth. He is currently housed and does not drink.
He has written a book that's available online and I am attaching a link and hoping some of you will take a look. It is extensive and articulate.This is a comment he wrote this morning in response to a post:
'It's difficult to know how you will react or behave in the most extreme situations, even when consequences can be severe. That's what I was attempting to portray, that and also how most of the people I encountered in my life on the streets maintained what can really only be described as honor and integrity, a reasonable moral code. Those were two very important pieces of the story for me.'
Please consider reading his book TRANSIENCE: Chapters from an epic memoir about homeless existence in Portland, Maine. The link to TRANSIENCE is pasted below. Free.
Congratulations, Kenneth W Beek.

Note: A quotation from Kenneth regarding the book: 'I did write the book (and a whole lot more) in a beat up and discarded cell phone with a broken screen and no internet connection.'
A whole lot of us gotta' get busy and drop the sniveling excuses. ( me )