It was like introducing the Pope. Or Lady Gaga. Or both...


I was the emcee at a recent PechaKucha Portland and I was honored to introduce a personal hero, the art world icon Amy Stacey Curtis. It was like introducing the Pope. Or Lady Gaga. Or both.
She had forwarded the following bio and I was crushed exquisitely with its personal truth, it's implied devastating pain and it's winged humor. Didn't think I could love her anymore but after reading that bio I in fact did.
Her bio for that evening:
“Since completing an 18-year art project in Maine’s mills, Amy Stacey Curtis has been tackling a new ambitious project, battling a severe neurological illness and disability possibly caused by untreated Lyme Disease. When another neurologist tried to determine if she’s schizophrenic, he asked if she thinks she’s a super hero, three times. She didn’t tell him about the cape she wears to give her strength. He wouldn’t get it. It flows behind her, long and purple, with a gold and red butterfly, sequins and rhinestones…”
This image is of Amy and her devoted team prepping for a photoshoot at Bates Mill last month. And I was honored to photograph my super hero in her cape....which she wore to symbolize the abundance of support and assistance she has recieved throughout her illness.
More about this soon.
Deep gratitude to Amy Stacey Curtis for her trust.