I had not seen him without a heavy coat. Neck wraps, scarves, hats, gloves. All necessary just a few weeks ago...


Dear Anonymous,

I had not seen him without a heavy coat. Neck wraps, scarves, hats, gloves. All necessary just a few weeks ago. He was always so cold and woefully underdressed. Today, without hat and heavy gear I feel like I meet him for the first time. And he stepped right into the social distance a lens offers. And that smile. A good start to the day.
And for those who may notice, no one is wearing masks out here. A few carry masks with them if they want to use the bus.
And many are hobbling. Sore, swollen feet. Held captive too long in heavy boots. They have to be able to walk. That's where the sock urgency comes in. It becomes obvious all too soon that foot health is paramount to life on the street.