He's saying thank you.


Dear Anonymous,
He's saying thank you. And btw , he's lovin' the warmth of that hat. Thank you Dear Anonymous. He's clutching a hand knit neck warmer you sent. Thank you.
He said something like, 'You know I don't care about the stuff. I NEED the stuff but that's not what I CARE about. Look at me. Give me your word. Mean what you say. Thats' what I care about.'
And I can imagine how tough it is to live to that standard. Particularly with the pressures of the street.
Whether we can live our ideals 100% of the time is questionable for us all. But I sit with his statement. I sit.
Sometimes someone will get hurt out here. Somebody said something and now someone thinks that about me sort of stuff.
This morning we chat. We have no control over what others think.
But, hey...want a hot coffee?