He tells me about delivering the toys we gathered for him to distribute at the family shelter.


Dear Anonymous,
He tells me about delivering the toys we gathered for him to distribute at the family shelter. (thank you Dear Anonymous, thank you Robin Lynn Herrick)

''I was kinda' ambushed when I brought 'em in. It was the parents who were awful. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. Not even a please. So I told 'em it wasn't gonna work like this. I wrapped everything up and left. Came back an hour later.
Had the parents off to the side. Divided the kids by age. Gave the littlest ones something first. The oldest last. The kids were good. A 13 year old girl was helpin' me. I got no problem with the kids."

"It feels good" he says, "to give them something to make their day a little better. They didn't ask to be out here."