He promises me he will allow me to photograph him soon when he lets his hair down.

20191205 He promises me he will allow me to photograph him soon when he lets his hair down.jpg

Dear Anonymous,
He promises me he will allow me to photograph him soon when he lets his hair down. Long, and silver white.
'Just for you.' he says.
This little community like all others I've ever known, struggle with truth, rumor, relationship issues, accountability. The messy business of being human.
One man yesterday accuses another of stealing from him. The accused this morning claims the accuser has stolen from him as he sleeps, out of revenge, and claims he himself is not responsible for the original theft. Another man accuses so and so of selling items they get here. That person claims it's all a story and 'I would never do that.'.
Meanwhile, I hand coffee cards you have sent and they sit together eating muffins we share. There are smiles. Handshakes. Even laughter.
Fierce independence. Neediness. Accountability. Distrust. Defensiveness. Hurt. Mental health issues. Addiction. Untreated trauma.It's all here.
Like everywhere.
Meanwhile, do you need dry socks? That one we can solve together.