He delivers toys we gather to the family shelter. Largely, as he describes, an immigrant population...


Dear Anonymous,
He delivers toys we gather to the family shelter. Largely, as he describes, an immigrant population. Someone in the street population accuses him of being racist.
'You only give to THEM.'

He states 'I deliver to KIDS. I had a swastika tattoo the size of a fist on my chest for years. It's covered now with a heart. A BIG heart. I deliver to KIDS'.
He asks if it's okay to deliver to other groups by which he means non-immigrant populations. Of course, it's a decision he can make.
'I'll split them then.'
Mike has been open about his racist past. How it began. How it was cultivated. How it wounded him deeply. And how he changed. And what helps heal. He noted the irony of being labeled a 'racist' in this situation. But it shook him.
'I wanna help KIDS. Not black kids. Or white kids. Just KIDS.'