Amy Stacey Curtis, I'll be celebrating your birthday all day long...


It was my microbiologist daughter, Anne Madden, who taught me to wash my hands for the time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice through.
During this COVID19 social distancing I find myself noting whose birthday it is on any given day and washing my hands repeatedly throughout the day singing Happy Birthday to them.
It's a funny little practice that has risen from functionality
(it makes me slow down the process and wash more thoroughly and more often) to spiritual ritual. I enjoy it. It brings that person(s) closer to my attention. Closer to my heart. And that helps reduce all this distance and isolation.

Amy Stacey Curtis, I'll be celebrating your birthday all day long singing 'Happy Birthday Dear Amy, Happy birthday to you!' in the spirit of your recent singalongs....ALL DAY...after I go for a walk. Before I make coffee. After I clean the rug...again. Before making lunch. After. get the idea.

Happy Birthday to our brilliant superhero of the heart and healing, you bedazzled beauty made of sweet stuff AND that highly polished intellect.Wow.

This is another photo from our recent collaboration.
Please see Amy's full blog post at