A customer at the coffee shop, a regular, says to Mike, 'I know the solution to homelessness. A pine box.'


Dear Anonymous,

A customer at the coffee shop, a regular, says to Mike,
'I know the solution to homelessness.
A pine box.'
I imagine being on the sidewalk and being told the solution to my problem is my death.

Another regular customer walks over to my car and quietly hands me $100 with no fanfare for coffee cards and thanks Dear Anonymous. Thank YOU Dear Anonymous.

Meanwhile Mike was offered a job too good to be true yesterday and is trying to gauge his excitement against the risk of disappointment.
Knowing that something that seems too good to be true is often too good to be true.
His hat today gets my attention. A hat with good boundaries.

A Dear Anonymous sent a box of hand warmers, and on this cold morning they were deeply appreciated. Thick warm socks were too. An additional layer of fleece, or a sweatshirt....maybe a clean pair of pants. A hot cup of coffee. A moment at least off the street to settle down. Quiet down. Thanks everyone.