A crowd this morning. And we laughed at how it felt like Trick-or-Treat.


Dear Anonymous,
A crowd this morning. And we laughed at how it felt like Trick-or-Treat. Long on the treats I'm happy to report.
Someone was disgruntled that so-and-so got a coffee card and 'he don't deserve it.'
Afterwards, after coffee cards are dispersed, socks find new homes, hand warmers are stuffed into pockets, gloves and pants are rifled through, I ask just a few,
What shall we do? Set up a table. With someone with a clipboard. And do extensive interviews to determine deservedness?'
Not gonna happen.

Socks. Coffee cards and the connection to community.I am grateful for smiles this morning. There's always gratitude expressed. There is also pain and desperation expressed. Theirs. Mine. Ours.
Coffee cards and socks. Thank you Dear Anonymous, thank you.
And whoever left bags of socks at my door, thank you. Much appreciated and already distributed.