A couple of years ago this man had just said to me...


Dear Anonymous,
A couple of years ago this man had just said to me,
'I'm not on the streets because I drink. I drink because I'm on the streets...'
And I think about this cold night as I hunker down under my down comforter. Inside. Relatively safe.
And then I note that someone has just delivered a big bag of much needed hand and feet warmers. I don't even know who it was yet. And some backpacks. And some clothing and warm merino wool socks. Thank you Dear Anonymous.
And just when I think that giving socks out by the dozens is futile, we recieve this message from someone who used to be out there. Out here. On the streets. And he made it through. And is now living a generous life of gratitude.
He wrote this about his experience of receiving a pair of socks while living on the streets:
'Find a dry place to change them.
Smile a bitter smile, and let your heart break again.
But it is the combined efforts of sock-givers, people-feeders and shelter providers that allow this life to persist. A chance to go to sleep that night, and say "maybe it will get better tomorrow"
Sometimes it does.
For me it did. I will never forget the kindness and i will never forget to pay it forward.'
So on a very cold night when I worry about our friends out here I want to thank you all for your generosity.
Tomorrow there shall be socks. And coffee. And hand warmers.
Broken hearts and all.