30 degrees and GREBE is stoking the fire.
Stu's got lobsters folks. Call him.
Stu's got lobsters folks. Call him.
From Stu Jones, Merrill Wharf Portland Maine:
”I have lobster if anyone is interested today or this week. 776-0034”
After Listening to the News
After Listening to the News
Soulful Exhaustion
Soulful Exhaustion
If I looked closely enough, it seemed you looked back.
If I looked closely enough, it seemed you looked back.
Solace In the Welders Yard
Solace In the Welders Yard
Lady Catherine is delivering fresh seafood from the boat to your door. Oh, Maine.
Lady Catherine is delivering fresh seafood from the boat to your door. Oh, Maine.
Memory from April 14, 2017: The Season Ushers In
What we were all holding onto turns out wasn't much at all.
What we were all holding onto turns out wasn't much at all.
Thank you Commercial Fleet of Portland Maine for bringing us sea harvest. Grateful.
Thank you Commercial Fleet of Portland Maine for bringing us sea harvest. Grateful.
Got scallops Portland, Maine? Here's another local source. Stoney Brook Lobster Pound
Got scallops Portland, Maine? Here's another local source.
Stoney Brook Lobster Pound
—with Jed Spear
It was comforting. Somewhat. That this world at first light had not changed much.
It was comforting. Somewhat. That this world at first light had not changed much.
At first light. At first sight.
At first light. At first sight.
The Gorge at Vessel Services
The Gorge at Vessel Services
How Our Stuff Gets Here
How Our Stuff Gets Here
From Across the Universe
From Across the Universe
Sunrise over Cap't Jake
Sunrise over Cap't Jake
It was like this. A bit frayed. A bit tangled. A bit out of sorts.
It was like this. A bit frayed. A bit tangled. A bit out of sorts.
I have been staring at this every day for weeks on the Maine Unemployment website:
'If you are self-employed or have exhausted all available benefits, please wait to file. Federal benefits are NOT yet available, but they are coming.'
For weeks.
Don't know where the lifeboats are.
Don't know where the FEMA trailers are.
But this is not going well.
Senator King?
Senator Collins?
Representative Pingree? Golden?
Here's the scoop on fresh fish Portland, Maine.
Here's the scoop on fresh fish Portland, Maine. TODAY. 11:00 AM- 4:00PM at 430 Commercial Street.
Fresh Haddock, cod, greysole, dabs, monktails, hake and redfish. You will never have fresher unless you go out yourself.
Please see Facebook page MAINE FISHERIES for more.
This is Ian Mayo, the man behind the fish, at a SUPPORT THE WORKING WATERFRONT event a year or so ago. : )
Please see MAINECOASTFISHERMEN.ORG for a more complete listing of resources. Being updated constantly by Monique Coombs.
The Unexpected Surprises, Union Wharf
The Unexpected Surprises, Union Wharf