I remember when I had three young children. I relied on the morning sessions at nursery school and montesorri school for my sanity.


I remember when I had three young children. I relied on the morning sessions at nursery school and montesorri school for my sanity. Just sayin'. I needed that head space to carry on as a good mom. Likely my children needed the same. I also know it is a privilege to afford child care in this country and I don't know how young families manage. And now with the pandemic to boot. Hang in there young moms and dads. If you are worried about what your children reveal to their psychiatrists later on it just may be some tender recollection of when their mom and dad read that story at bedtime or when they saw you comforting one another.
This was seen this morning in Falmouth, Maine.

Amy Stacey Curtis preparing for more photos during a recent collaboration.


Amy Stacey Curtis preparing for more photos during a recent collaboration. I include this one because of the tenderness of her assistant helping with the cape attachment. Also,I had asked that her beloved and talented assistants wave the 100 foot Cape of Gratitude to create some folds and shadow and they are prepared at the end of the cape to do so. They were on it and suddenly we had a lovely purple river flowing down this corridor at Bates Mill...billowing and rippling...only the action of 100 feet of satin almost pulled Amy off her feet. She was so graceful about it but we took a moment to recover.
No Amy Stacey Curtis's were harmed in the filming of this : )
And Happy Birthday Amy, today March 31...and thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Please see Amy's full blog post at www.theartistplan.com